
Why It Takes A Real Man To Love An Alpha Female

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Strong, independent alpha females are self-sufficient, but we also have big hearts and love hard. We know what we w...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - Strong, independent alpha females are self-sufficient, but we also have big hearts and love hard. We know what we want and always try to make the right choice in finding the guy who’s right for our heart.

So please, don’t date me unless you are ready to be challenged.

I’m a strong woman that will believe in you more than you believe in yourself. I will push you to reach your full potential.

Minor setbacks? No problem. I’ll help you get back on track. I will question things in ways you wouldn’t consider, and see life from a different point of view.

I’m not a yes-woman. We may not agree on some things, but dating me means you need to be ready for the truth. I will communicate to you my wants and needs effectively.

I can see the truth and will tell it like it is with kindness and respect. I expect the same from you. I want us to share straightforward communication without anger or criticism.

Don’t waste your energy with me if you are not emotionally stable. I will not be a rebound woman or someone you date to try to fill an empty space. I have many great qualities to offer; I will not be with a man that can’t reciprocate or appreciate my efforts.

I want a man who is strong and has the ability to handle emotions; a man that has the willingness to work things out when things get rough and won’t run at the first sign of struggle.

Don’t date me if you have a “roaming eye.”

If you still want to taste “other flavors” and see what else is out there, go right ahead. But please get out of my way–you could be preventing me from finding the right man.

I can’t be with a man that won’t be willing to commit in order to build a strong relationship for the future. Fidelity is an essential ingredient.

If you are ready to be treated like royalty, I’m the one for you. I believe that you can’t be a queen without treating your man like a king.

Feel frustrated? I will listen to you and make you feel better. Feeling discouraged? I will find ways to motivate and push you. I will help you be better, do better and bring out your best.

I know the importance of making my man feel appreciated and respected.

Don’t date me if you are not ready for love. Don’t date me if you are not ready to fall into an ocean of passion and be drowned with love.

When I love, I love fiercely. When I care, I care unconditionally. I will not settle for mediocre love. I want romance. A romance so deep that it awakens my deepest desires and adds tinder to the furnace of my burning soul.

Every cell of me will love every cell of you: the good, the bad, and the ugly. You will be loved in ways you’ve never been loved before. I will expose you to the type of intimacy you have not experienced in the past.

I will make your fantasies a reality. I will be giving you my heart.

So please, don’t date me if you are not ready for a strong woman’s heart.

Source: yourtango


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Why It Takes A Real Man To Love An Alpha Female
Why It Takes A Real Man To Love An Alpha Female
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