
Sleep expert claims to reveal how to fall back asleep in 2 minutes

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  We’ve all been there; you wake up in the middle of the night and then you can’t get back to sleep.  While it can be...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - We’ve all been there; you wake up in the middle of the night and then you can’t get back to sleep. 

While it can be frustrating to wake up in the middle of the night, sleep experts say that it’s completely normal. But having trouble getting back to sleep can be even more frustrating. 

That’s why experts recommend a few simple two-minute sleep hacks to help you curb the wakefulness and get back to snoozing calmly.

We all know that sleep is an essential factor in our lives, that’s why there are so many sleep hacks out there. While the amount of sleep we need each night can vary based on many factors, waking up throughout the night is still completely normal. In fact, Dr. Guy Meadows, one of the co-founders of Sleep School, told Tom’s Guide that average eight-hour sleepers wake up around four times a night for various reasons.

There are, of course, multiple reasons why you might wake up. But ultimately, the biggest concern is always going to be getting back to sleep. Thankfully, Dr. Meadows says there are a few two-minute sleep hacks you can make the most of to get back to sleep easily.

The first method is a military sleep hack that I’ve written up previously. With this two-minute sleep hack, you basically just clear your mind and focus on a calm place, like being in a canoe on a calm lake, or in a forest surrounded by nature. You’ll also want to relax your entire body, starting with the top and then working your way down one part at a time.

Woman Sleeping in Bed

If the two-minute sleep hack above doesn’t cut it, you can also add body tapping into your routine. Body tapping is a very simple system that’s commonly used by people with anxiety. 

While trying to go to sleep, simply tap your fingers against certain points on your face and collarbone. Then, breathe deeply and focus on the present, without letting your mind wander. Repeat this process until you fall asleep.

You can also complete what scientists call a body scan. This, basically, lets you become more aware of what parts of your body are stressed. 

It isn’t quite a two-minute sleep hack, but if you can figure out which parts of your body are stressed, you can focus on calming and relaxing them. This will ultimately help you get back to sleep quicker, too.

Source: bgr


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Sleep expert claims to reveal how to fall back asleep in 2 minutes
Sleep expert claims to reveal how to fall back asleep in 2 minutes
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