
This Simple Practice Can Help You Think Bigger

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Limiting beliefs are restricting thought patterns about yourself, personal capabilities, and potential for the fut...

-  Limiting beliefs are restricting thought patterns about yourself, personal capabilities, and potential for the future. 

Many people have limiting beliefs hidden in their subconscious that influence the way they show up, act, and respond in the world. 

Sometimes these beliefs can go unnoticed, creating a cycle that holds people back from reaching their goals.

So, how exactly do limiting beliefs impact our lives?

Let's say for example your boss encourages you to apply for a new job promotion. 

Although you may be excited at first, you are convinced you're undeserving of the salary. 

Consequently, this notion holds you back from taking a chance on yourself and thinking bigger about your professional goals.

This is just one example of the many ways limiting beliefs can show up, and I personally dealt with this throughout my early career. 

I'll share how to remove your limiting beliefs to think bigger and transform your life for the better.

Identify your limiting beliefs

The first step in making any change in your life is creating awareness. Consider any limiting beliefs you have around your personal or professional life and make note of them in a journal. 

Research shows that writing helps you remember more information than typing. These can be things like "I don't feel good enough" or "I don't have what it takes to make six figures a year."

Be honest with yourself and feel free to write down both complex and extremely simplistic limiting beliefs. Bringing these notions to the forefront of your mind helps you recognize these thoughts and feelings when they arise.

Use the power of meditation

Meditation, when done right, can be a powerful tool to not only help you reduce anxiety but also to remove clutter. Breath work has immense power over our brains, bodies, and central nervous systems. One technique I've been using is a practice called Meditational Behavior Synchronicity (MBS) that Natasha Graziano writes about in her book.

It's a practice in which individuals are able to transition from a beta state into alpha and eventually delta, combining an ancient practice with modern neuroscience. This process allows your brain to release and remove limiting beliefs through a meditative state.

There are other meditation practices, like transcendental meditation, Vipassana, and more, that you can explore.

Ask the right questions

The right question can shift your mindset and let you see your situation in a different perspective. One of my favorite exercises, which comes from Peter Thiel, is to ask: "How can I accomplish my 10-year goal in the next six months?"

As ridiculous as that sounds, the pursuit of the question will shift you into thinking completely differently. You may realize the current strategy you have may no longer be relevant and that you're limiting your potential.

The takeaway

Throughout your journey of releasing limiting beliefs, remind yourself that thoughts become your reality. By maintaining radical positivity and reshaping personal beliefs about yourself, you influence all areas of your life for the better.

Removing limiting beliefs isn't only about thinking better thoughts, but rewiring your brain to hold a new standard for your life and personal potential. As a result, you think bigger and soar to new heights that you once never thought possible.

S: inc


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: This Simple Practice Can Help You Think Bigger
This Simple Practice Can Help You Think Bigger
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