
Habits That Build Mental Fortitude in The Workplace

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Perhaps you exercise to get stronger. But have you considered doing things to build your mental fortitude? “Your me...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - Perhaps you exercise to get stronger. But have you considered doing things to build your mental fortitude?

“Your mental strength is at the root of your success. It’s how you tackle every challenge, overcome every obstacle, and rise above all obstacles in adversity,” says licensed psychiatrist and performance mindset coach Jeff Ditzell.

According to him, mental fortitude allows you to believe in yourself and bring out the best version of yourself at work. It helps you react and adjust to stressful situations. 

“Mental fortitude is the ability to handle setbacks and overcome adversity. It’s a skill to help you persevere when life throws you a curveball,” he says.

And, just like with any other skill, practice makes perfect when it comes to building mental fortitude. 

“Whether you work for Microsoft or for McDonald’s, mental fortitude can be strengthened and developed through a variety of practices,” adds Ditzell.

“Habit formation is a lifelong process. First, our habits are shaped by our environments and then we build on those foundations. One way workplaces can build their employees’ mental fortitude is by offering physical and emotional support.”

Hopefully, your employer is focused on nurturing team well-being, but there are also a few things you can do yourself to build mental fortitude in the workplace. Here are five habits to embrace.

1. Focusing on one thing at a time

The Zeigarnik Effect is the tendency to remember unfinished tasks more than completed ones. 

And when you are multitasking and have several tasks on your plate that you have started but not finished, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm. 

Ditzell recommends focusing on one thing at a time to build mental fortitude at work and counter this effect. 

“A single focus on one thing at a time helps you to grow your mental fortitude at work and boost productivity,” he says.

2. Exercising and eating healthy

What you do outside of work also matters – starting with your diet and lifestyle. 

“Setting aside time to move your body is just as important as eating right, exercising regularly and resting. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out at a gym or have been working out for years,” says Ditzell.

You may already know that eating well and moving your body helps you feel better, but don’t forget that the “I’ll sleep when I am dead” motto can also decrease your mental strength.

On the other hand, research shows that getting high-quality sleep actually decreases stress and increases your resilience, so you’ll want to prioritize your Zzzs.

3. Taking mindfulness breaks

Mindfulness is more than a buzzword in terms of building mental fortitude. “A mindfulness break is a short period of time daily that gives you a moment to rest and relax your mind.

This can be accomplished through meditation, yoga or even walking outside in nature for five or ten minutes,” according to Ditzell. “This can help you reduce stress, improve your focus and increase energy.”

4. Getting out of your comfort zone

If you want to feel self-trusting, resourceful and capable, you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable to some degree. 

The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you realize that you can handle the unknown and work through your fears. And this is gold for developing mental fortitude.

“The more you live with a resilient mindset and become comfortable with trying new things and facing uncomfortable situations, the more likely you are to grow your ability to deal with stressful situations,” says Ditzell. 

Be mindful of your self-talk and thoughts too during moments of high stress: “Avoid thinking negatively, avoid self-doubt and avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems,” he says.

5. Nurturing connections with others

Nurturing connections with your coworkers can work wonders for building mental fortitude as well. 

Several studies have revealed the importance of positive relationships in the workplace, which can improve feelings of well-being at work.

The opposite is also true: Difficult or strained relationships with coworkers can cause psychological distress. 

So go to team-building events, grab lunch with a new teammate or take a few minutes a day to contribute to fun Slack channels, as it fills your mental fortitude cup (and the mental fortitude cup of others!).

Source: hive


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Habits That Build Mental Fortitude in The Workplace
Habits That Build Mental Fortitude in The Workplace
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