
Whisper These Phrases Before Sleeping & Whatever You Want Will Come To You

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  In a world that feels so desperate at times, it can be helpful to use manifestation.  Doing so allows you to feel l...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - In a world that feels so desperate at times, it can be helpful to use manifestation. 

Doing so allows you to feel like something is already yours, and then create that reality for yourself, making your dreams and goals come true.

Basically, manifestation means letting the Universe know about your ambitions and desires, and then making them your own.

For manifestation to work, you have to believe that what you are saying is the truth. 

Putting any negative energy or doubt into the Universe means that you will receive it in turn.

But creating what you want is more than just having a positive mindset. And one TikToker may have the answer you need to create what you want.

A TikTok video of Elmer O. Locker, Jr. explains that whispering a specific magical prayer can bring you anything you're trying to create.

According to Locker, this prayer was created by Frederick Dodson, an author, success coach and consciousness researcher. 

Locker himself is a success coach, and bases his teachings off of those of Neville Goddard, a New Thought author.

Dodson says that before going to sleep, you should whisper the following words once, twice, or three times, but no more than three times:

“Thank you for showing me that this issue is already resolved.”

In a video further explaining this magical prayer, Locker delves deeper into the specifics.

Though this whisper prayer doesn't involve visualization or repetition, Locker says it still has a magical frequency attached to it. 

That's because, rather than a pleading or begging, this prayer is a thanking.

“Before going to sleep, you're addressing a higher source — God, the matrix, infinity, your higher self, or whatever you believe in — concerning something you want improvement in,” Locker says.

Essentially, you're stating and whispering this prayer to your higher self, thanking it or the god you believe in for you already having this thing in your life.

As with manifestation, it's essential to believe that you already possess this thing that you desire; it's something you don't have, but it's already yours through the law of assumption.

Locker also states that you can go further with the magical prayer. Instead of just saying “this issue,” get specific with it.

For example, if it's money you desire, you would whisper, “Thank you for showing me that this $5,000 is already resolved/already here,” or if it's a relationship, you whisper, “Thank you for showing me that this new relationship is already resolved.”

You can whisper this simple prayer before bed and use it for anything you're trying to create, whether it's money, a relationship, a new house, a pet — anything at all! Whisper something based on your desired result, and whatever it is that you want will manifest.

Source: yourtango


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Whisper These Phrases Before Sleeping & Whatever You Want Will Come To You
Whisper These Phrases Before Sleeping & Whatever You Want Will Come To You
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