
Unrequited Love: Proper Ways To Deal With The Feeling

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  What is unrequited love? How many of you have asked yourself this question? The fact is that all of us wondered abo...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - What is unrequited love? How many of you have asked yourself this question? The fact is that all of us wondered about unrequited love at one time in life or another. 

It does not matter whether we like it or not but things like that happen, and you can’t force someone to love you just like you can’t force yourself to stop loving them. 

It may seem like an endless circle however there is always a way out. The thing is that all that you need is a proper way to understand that your love is not wanted here and then you need to figure out the best way to deal with your feelings until they are gone. 

As you may have guessed, we have an answer to these bothering issues, and we are going to share them with you today. Read on!

How To Understand That Your Love Is Unrequited #love #relationship

When you love someone, your judgment may be a little clouded, and it may be difficult to figure out whether your love is unrequited or not. 

Even though there is no one-for-all unrequited love definition, we have gathered here a few signs to pay attention to. If you notice them about the person you have feelings for – most likely he or she is not going to respond to your feelings in the same way.

Being ignored

If you notice that your messages or calls are ignored more regularly than they should have been – it may be a sign that a person you love is not that into you.

Give and take

When you are in a happy relationship, there is an equal amount of giving and taking. However, if you think that you are the only one to give then we have bad
news for you.


All couples in love are head over heels about cuddling. If the person you think you love does not like to cuddle, the odds are that he or she is not interested in you the same way you are.


When you flirt with each other – that is a great sign. However, if the object of your passion flirts with others instead of you, it is time you realize the truth.

Spending time together

With these busy lives we live, it is hard to find some spare time, yet all the free time you have you tend to spend with those you love. If your second half is not willing to devote all the time to you, there may be something wrong with the relationship.


If your relationship moved to a more intimate level, it does not necessarily mean that you are in love with each other. Sex can be just sex when there is no passion about it. Think about it!

Cell phone sharing

These days we keep most of our private things and secrets stored on our mobile devices. If he or she does not let you touch their phone – there are secrets to hide, that is for sure.


If there are lies in your relationship that means there is no love in it, at least not from both sides.

Feeling alone

Being in love means feeling happy and certainly never lonely. In case, you feel alone despite your feelings that stands for one thing, – your love is one-sided.

Best Ways To Get Past The Pain Of Unrequited Love

It is one thing to figure out that your love is unrequited but how to get over unrequited love? That is an interesting and quite difficult question.

The truth is that all of us are different and unique in our own ways, which means that there is no one-for-all approach. 

That is why we have gathered here the most common and practical ways to deal with your feelings. You can choose one of them or try them all – the choice is yours. All that matters is your mended heart!

Allow Yourself To Grieve

Even if you have never experienced one sided love, it is not that difficult to guess that it is painful to get over. The thing is that in most cases people decide to move on as quickly as they can. 

Very often, that is not the best approach since instead of easing the pain you just inflict more. 

You need to realize that it is okay to be sad, angry ore deceived. You need to let yourself grieve. 

It depends greatly upon the type of person you are how long it will take you, but you need to be ready to grant yourself as much time as necessary.

Keep Your Distance

This step is probably the most personal of all, since it is up to you to decide how much time you can spend with the person you have feelings for. 

Our piece of advice is that you try to spend as little time as possible together because we know it as well as you do that seeing the object of your dreams hurt. The truth is that the less time you spend together the sooner it will pass.

Understand Yourself And Your Feelings

There is no magical recipe that can help you learn how to stop thinking about someone. No. Nevertheless, there is something that can help you deal with the matter. 

You are bound to realize that the feelings you have are just the result of the hormones in your brain doing their job. 

Of course, it does not sound that helpful at the time, but the sooner you come to understanding that there is solely science behind your feelings the easier it will be for you to accept the loss and move on.

Opt For Non-Romantic Media

The romantic media we have at our disposal these days is all about one-for-life love and the end of your life when you do not find it. However, you need to be realistic, no matter how movies, books even songs depict true love it is always different in real life. 

That is why when you are dealing with unrequited love it is best if you distance yourself for a while from all those things. Trust us, there are many more interesting things in life that are not centered around love!

Treat Your Feelings Like A Third Person In The Relationship

This one may sound weird but it can come in helpful when it comes to understanding how to deal with unrequited love. 

You need to learn to treat your feelings in such a way as though it is a real person. Whenever, your feelings come rushing over you – accept and deal with them the way you would with another, alike person. As simple as that.

Your Feelings May Be Your Inspiration

If you wonder how to get over someone you love, it is best you use your feelings as the source of energy and strength not to mention inspiration. 

If you are into art, use your unrequited love as something inspiring to create or finish your masterpiece.

In case you feel like getting away and seeing the world – it is high time you do so. 

The very same goes for starting some new courses you always wanted but never had a chance because you were too absorbed in your love and personal life. You may be surprised, but sometimes a broken heart can result in tremendous achievements!

Unrequited love is undoubtedly one of the worst feelings in the world. That is why we suggest you spot it straight away and deal with it efficiently so that it does not ruin you!

Does unrequited love go away?

Basically, unrequited love will not go away altogether until you fall in love again and your new partner makes you experience the same strong feelings. In this case, you may still experience strong emotions towards those who haven’t made a round trip yet, but their refusal will no longer hurt you.

Is unrequited love unhealthy?

Unrequited love is very painful, which doesn’t mean the experience itself is unhealthy nor bad in its nature. People often have no control over how they feel or how much they love someone. Thus, unrequited love itself is not bad. It all depends on your attitude towards it.

What does rejection do to a person?

According to the latest report provided by DeWall, social rejection stimulates anger, anxiety, jealousy and depression. It significantly reduces overall performance on hard highbrow tasks, and also makes a contribution to aggression and negative impulse control.

Source: glaminati


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Unrequited Love: Proper Ways To Deal With The Feeling
Unrequited Love: Proper Ways To Deal With The Feeling
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