
of Rice for Belly Fat Loss—Ranked!

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Rice comes in many different variations, all with their own unique makeup of nutrients, minerals, and health benefi...

Rice comes in many different variations, all with their own unique makeup of nutrients, minerals, and health benefits. 

And while many of us have been told that we can't enjoy rice as a part of a healthy weight loss plan, this isn't necessarily true. 

Incorporating rice into your diet is more about finding the right types instead of avoiding it altogether.

To learn more about the healthiest types of rice for weight loss, we talked with Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, author at Go Wellness.

Continue reading to learn more about the specific types of rice and their unique health benefits, and for more healthy eating tips check out 4 Popular Diets That Don't Actually Work.

6. White Rice

At the end of the day, white rice is not the villain everyone makes it out to be if it's consumed in moderation. 

However, if you're wanting to lose belly fat, you may want to try other types of rice that are less processed and still have their nutrients in tact.

"The 'worst' type of rice for belly fat loss is white rice. It's not necessarily bad for you, but white rice is more processed, which means it will lose some of its nutrients in the processing phase. White rice also has the lowest fiber per serving and highest carbs compared to black rice and brown rice. Low fiber won't help you keep full and ultimately will make you hungry a little faster. So, if you're focused on belly fat loss, stick to brown or black rice, as those rices are higher in nutrients," says D'Angelo.

By: Samantha Boesch
Source: eatthis


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of Rice for Belly Fat Loss—Ranked!
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