
Here’s exactly how much money is in the average savings account in America (and psst: it’s a lot more than you might guess)

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - MarketWatch Picks: Who we are, and why you can trust us The MarketWatch Picks team is here to help you make smarter ...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - MarketWatch Picks: Who we are, and why you can trust us

The MarketWatch Picks team is here to help you make smarter decisions about how to spend, save and manage your money — from finding you great deals; to vetting products and services to reveal what’s worth spending money on (and what’s not), to showing you how to get better rates and terms on loans and other financial products. 

We gather advice from top experts in a variety of fields to ensure we’re giving you high-quality guidance, and we have a team of reviewers who test and review products and services.

How we create our content

You’ll find myriad financial guides in Marketwatch Picks. That’s because we know there is a lot of confusing, and often-slanted, money advice floating around the internet these days. 

So we aim to write useful money columns using advice from a variety of different money pros like certified financial planners and accountants.

We also review products and services, which we do in two ways. The first is that we ask people who are experts in their fields to give their unbiased recommendations: For example, we interviewed top dermatologists about the face washes they recommend. 

The second is that we have our experienced reviewers research, and then personally test, the products and services we write about. 

In every review, we strive to be as unbiased as possible, and as such, you will see both the pros and cons of the items we review listed in stories.

So how do you make money?

We often (but not always) earn a commission when you click on an affiliate link in our stories. 

But it is our promise to you that the products and services we recommend are independent of any compensation we may get through these links. 

And, indeed, if you ended up returning a product we recommended because it wasn’t good, we would typically not be paid for that.

About the editor

As the editor of MarketWatch Picks, Catey Hill brings 15 years of journalism experience to this section, having covered smart shopping and personal finance at publications like MarketWatch, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Real Simple and dozens more.

She is also the author of two personal finance books, the latest of which is “The 30-Minute Money Plan for Moms: How to Maximize Your Budget in Minimal Time” (Center Street, 2018), and has appeared as an expert guest on more than 100 radio and TV shows, including TODAY, Fox & Friends, CBS This Morning, The Lead With Jake Tapper, and more. 

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this section, her email box is always open to you: chill@marketwatch.com.

By: Alisa Wolfson
Source: msn.com


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Here’s exactly how much money is in the average savings account in America (and psst: it’s a lot more than you might guess)
Here’s exactly how much money is in the average savings account in America (and psst: it’s a lot more than you might guess)
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