
Brain cancer symptoms not to brush off - including sudden personality changes

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Everyday problems like headaches or losing track of your thoughts are sometimes the sign of something serious - and...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - Everyday problems like headaches or losing track of your thoughts are sometimes the sign of something serious - and in rare cases could be brain cancer.

A brain tumour is a disease where the cells multiply abnormally and can be cancerous or benign.

There is no need to worry if you tend to experience a sore head from time to time - it doesn't mean you have a brain tumour - but the NHS says worsening or frequent headaches are a reason to see the GP.

Brain tumours sometimes have no symptoms to begin with or they may develop very slowly over time.

The chance of developing brain cancer or a spinal cord tumour is very small - less than one percent, according to the American Cancer Society.

In the rare case that you might have the disease, it's very important that you understand the warning signs as early as possible for better treatment, the Mirror reports.

There are some signs from your body you should never ignore.

When it comes to brain cancer, here are five of the most common ones.


Fits or seizures are usually linked to epilepsy, but it could also be a sign of a brain tumour. According to doctors, almost 60% of patients with tumours experience seizures.

You might also experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting and headache before a seizure.

If you have a seizure and you don't have any known illnesses that might cause them, you should definitely consult a doctor about it.

If you experience gradual loss of sensation, weakness or mobility issues in a limb, over days or weeks, this could be a potential sign of a brain tumour.

Weird sensations in your limbs may also be accompanied by you suddenly losing balance or having difficult walking.

You might brush this aside thinking you're just being more clumsy than usual, but it's best to get it checked out as it could be a sign of something more serious.


We all get headaches from time to time, and it's not usually a cause of massive concern. But frequent headaches can be a common symptom of brain cancer.

If you find yourself suddenly getting headaches more frequently than you typically do, the pain is worse than usual or the remedies that work for you aren't providing relief, you should consult a doctor.

Vision issues

A change to your eyesight is another common sign of a brain tumour. This could be things becoming blurry suddenly or having issues with your peripheral vision.

Other warning signs to pay attention to include sensitivity to light, double vision, floating sight and abnormal eye movements.

Difficulty communicating or understanding people

Having an occasional moment of brain fog where you either don't understand others or lose track of your own thoughts.

But if you suddenly find yourself experiencing cognitive changes including communicating or difficulty in writing or reading more frequently, this may be a symptom of a brain tumour.

Does a brain tumour cause a change to personality?

A brain tumour may result in a sudden change to your personality, though it is rare. Two changes to personality due to brain cancer are:
  • Fuzziness or confusion - If you find yourself struggling with focusing on everyday activities or experiencing issues with your memory, there is a slight chance that it could be a sign of a brain tumour. However, keep in mind that these kind of symptoms may just be due to stress, lack of sleep or menopause as well.
  • Sudden personality changes - If you're suddenly aggressive or sluggish, when it's not your typical personality, could be a rare symptom of a tumour in your brain.
  • If you're worried about any of the above symptoms, consult your GP or check the NHS website for more information.

Source: dailyrecord


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: Brain cancer symptoms not to brush off - including sudden personality changes
Brain cancer symptoms not to brush off - including sudden personality changes
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