
2 Types of Marriages That Make Women the Happiest

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM -  Shutterstock married couple According to happy couples, whether you enjoy a happy marriage or not has a lot to do w...

INDONESIAKININEWS.COM - Shutterstock married couple According to happy couples, whether you enjoy a happy marriage or not has a lot to do with — gasp! - who did you marry.

Happiness is the most important factor in making a marriage last because, ultimately, your partner can affect your own personal happiness if the relationship is not positive.

If you're not happy, then why be with this person?

Yes, shockingly, happy couples lead happier lives, according to a 2020 German study. So why are we bringing up this completely obvious finding? Glad you asked.

You see, an essential part of a happy marriage is your husband or your so-called better half. 

So, if you're looking for a lifetime of happiness (or at least a minimal amount of unhappiness), you better pick your hubby right.

And these German researchers did discover some interesting news about the type of husband that will keep you happiest for the long haul.

The important question is, what kind of man will guarantee a lifetime of happiness? 

Well, guess we should say, there are no guarantees in life, especially when it comes to love (hey, we're just covering our backs here).

But according to the study, there are two types of husbands that make for the happiest wives and unions that will last forever and you will grow old, happily married together.

These are the two types of marriage that make women happiest:

1. Happy marriages = emotional stability

First, it's best to avoid people who have neurotic tendencies. 

This means those who have a "tendency toward anxiety, emotional instability, and depression."

In other words, we are talking about an extreme worrywart who's always stressed and needs constant reassurance (and a serious dose of yoga).

People who are married or partnered with neurotic people are less likely to be happy than people who are married to non-neurotic personality types.

And if you personally have some of these tendencies (but who doesn't?), you might want to work on that side of your personality so you don't succumb to these neurotic tendencies since these findings can be applied to both men and women .

2. Happy marriages = family goals

The other spousal characteristic that makes for a blissful union is someone who ranks family goals above their career goals. Yep, we're talking about a good, old-fashioned family man here.

By: kristin koch
Source: yourtango


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IndonesiaKiniNews.com: 2 Types of Marriages That Make Women the Happiest
2 Types of Marriages That Make Women the Happiest
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